PwC 向律师业大举进军, 印尼律所开业
PwC 向律师行业大举进军,
四大”会计公司一直希望成为综合的服务机构,而不是仅仅局限于会计和税务,除了咨询业务之外,律师业务也是“四大”的扩张目标。“四大”涉及律师业务并不是这些年才开始的,而是从大约二十年前就开始,当时的最高峰是在2000年左右, 当时的“五大”会计公司都有自己的全球律师服务机构,而规模最大的是安达信律所 Andersen Legal, 在规模上曾经排名全球律所前列; 安达信律所当时在香港的加盟所是郭叶律师行;在2000年前后的“五大”会计公司,在“新经济”大潮来临之际,已经不满足于审计和税务之外的传统咨询业务,大力向法律市场、投行业务、甚至风险投资领域(有自己的风投公司),拓展业务。后来由于安然事件爆发,华尔街发生了大规模的公司治理丑闻,“五大”会计公司的公信力和独立性遭遇危机,而且同时“五大”会计公司也陷入了多起公司丑闻的诉讼案件中, 所以,曾经兴起的律师业务又一度低调了。不过,最近,据媒体报道,“四大”会计公司又开始全面进军法律市场,提供“一站式”服务。“四大”提供的从会计、审计、税务、企业融资、并购尽职调查、法律在内的全方位“一站式”服务,对客户而言自然是有很大的吸引力。据说,“四大”的法律服务已经开始威胁到传统律所的江湖地位。
“四大”全面进军法律市场;德勤:我们律所特赚钱;PwC: 我们新加坡律所今日开业;
刚刚, 普华永道的雅加达律所正式开业,这是继普华永道香港律师所于今年3月份开业之后,普华永道在亚洲的又一律师机构。此前,普华永道已经在新加坡和日本设立律师事务所。
普华永道印尼雅加达所的设立,是通过吸收当地的一家律所加盟于普华永道全球法律网络( PwC global legal network)方式进行的。该所(Melli Darsa & Co (MDC))创立于2002年,目前有5名合伙人,主要从事于企业重组、并购、公司治理和合规业务。加盟普华永道全球法律网络后,该所仍然保持独立法律实体进行运营。
以上是继民财经汇导读,接下来是自由阅读时间, 请君随意......
PwC launches Indonesian legal practice as Jakarta firm joins network
PwC has moved into the Indonesian legal market with the addition of Jakarta law firm Melli Darsa & Co (MDC) to its global network.
MDC, which joined the PwC network this week, was founded in 2002, and focuses on corporate and commercial structuring, M&A, employment, and entity governance and compliance work.
It has five partners, including founder and senior partner Melli Darsa, one counsel and two managing associates. For regulatory reasons, it will continue to operate as a separate independent firm within the PwC network.
PwC Indonesia senior partner Irhoan Tanudiredja said: “Multinational corporations operating in Indonesia and the region see the value in working with a global professional services leader. As a member firm of the PwC network, Melli Darsa & Co will provide a competitive edge for clients who appreciate the benefits of working with a global brand.
“It also gives Indonesian businesses, and those seeking to enter the Indonesian market, the ability to access the reach of a global professional services network.”
The move comes after PwC launched a Hong Kong legal practice this March with hires from King & Wood Mallesons and O’Melveny & Myers. The move established a new independent Hong Kong firm, Tiang & Co, which entered into an association with PwC’s Singapore-licensed foreign law practice, PwC Legal International.
The accounting giant has been steadily expanding its Asia legal services offering in recent years, moving into both Japan and Singapore in 2014.